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downloading ballot
Posted: 09 Oct 12 16:15

Frustrated voters, please read!

Like many people I was very excited to learn that Pennsylvania allows voters to register and to get their absentee ballot online. That excitement rapidly became frustration as soon as I started dealing with the different websites and portals in order to get my ballot...create a profile/register in one website and then going to another website that sends you to a portal to get your ballot is just not practical and clear for voters. At some point in this very website ( one link was telling me that I was register and ready to get my ballot and another link was telling me that I was not registered. After 3 days of dealing with this, I finally called the election officials and they told me that my profile was not linked to my registration. In other words,one website was not talking to the other one. They fixed it and I was able to finally get to the page where you actually see the links to download the ballot. Now when I try to download or save the ballot (pdf file) to my PC it just does not work. I get a blank page. I have tried with 3 different browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome). I'm about to give up. Some of my friends voting in other states got it really website, one e-mail with the ballot attached and Voila!  PA COULD NOT COME UP WITH A MORE COMPLICATED SYSTEM TO VOTE!

I hope someone in the Federal Voting Assistance Program reads this and do something for the next elections.

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